St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Monday, October 25, 2010

Beginning Again

Dear Sisters,

Welcome to a new home schooling year, a new season of a learning lifestyle, a new start, truly a new beginning….

“I am about to do something new; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Is 43:19

I share this verse with you because it speaks such a truth for those choosing a path of home education. I am reminded how Our Lord, so many years ago – planted the seeds of home schooling in my husband’s heart and mind – “making a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert…”, for us, there could be no truer words.

As we return to home schooling and the CHECCS group, we see so many new families and it does our hearts good to see that others are bringing their children home for the first time, or keeping their children in a home learning environment, instilling in them Godly values and virtues; and rightly so, after all, true education is that which leads one to God and eternal salvation in Christ, not away...

For those families new to home schooling, the Lord has indeed done something new, you are the ones that are the new beginning….you enrich and enliven the rest of us, bringing your new vision and energy to our continued efforts.....For those still staying the course who perhaps have been at it for many years now, Our Lord continues to do something new, refreshing and sustaining us within the company of those like-minded [moms] who provide support and encouragement….and we in turn are the ones the new families look to for help and guidance and inspiration. And for those having completed the course, or are very near…. He has yet again brought forth something new as you are the ones nearing the finish line, soon to be standing on the sidelines cheering the rest of us on! How wise and strong you have grown through the years and what a special blessing you are to those of us still on this journey.

When I begin our school year at home I always reflect on the abundant blessing and privilege it is to have the freedom to home educate. I encourage you to consider and reflect upon those admirable families that have paved the way before us, all those in this country that fought long and hard to pass laws enabling us to keep our children home and give them the type of education we choose; those laws in place that attempt to ensure future generations the freedom to home educate, the freedom to choose a Godly and quality education for their children. We should always be grateful for this freedom and to those who fought to secure it for us, but we should never take it for granted. Let us always remember to storm heaven in prayers of thanksgiving for this special blessing we have been given in these generations and pray that these blessings continue for future generations to come. May our great God continue to make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert for others!

And finally...

May God bless you abundantly with all you need to enjoy a beautiful and productive year with your children.

“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you”Matt 7:7

Your Sister in Christ,

Denise Laubacher

(Written as a word of reflection and encouragement for our local home school support group)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feeding the Poor

I am so pleased with how my children are learning to care for others that are less fortunate in this world.  From donating money they earn for our Honduran sponsor child, to the Salvation Army or the women's it clothing, toys, money, they seem to have gotten the message. 

Recently our college son helped head the coin-drive and food delivery in his Catholic student group.  This is quite an admirable endeavor as the students donate their funds and raise awareness by collecting loose change - then gather together on a Friday evening, change the coins into cash, and go shopping.  They receive the names of needy families in the area around the college and buy them bags of groceries, then spend the evening delivering it to their homes.  What a wonderful and much needed exercise!

As I begin to mobilize my own resources and thoughts on the holiday season close at hand, I keep this in mind and attempt to think of ways within our family to help others.  I recently heard a friend of mine, a fellow religious ed teacher say she will have her class take a boy and girl name off the Giving Tree and do a field trip to the store to buy for them.  I think it's an excellent idea - always a much needed donation of time and money and care.

We are all poor in so many ways, aren't we?!  I ponder my spirituality and feel so needy myself at times.  Giving to others and placing other's true needs first really helps fulfill our own needs because deeply, it is what is inside of us - helping our fellow man.  

May God bless you!