Maybe it is God's blessings upon us in the warm balmy breeze.....indeed, it has been a spiritually rich summer, like none I can recall before it. I can't even begin to describe how many events have led our very souls to realize the Lord in a very tangible sense. From the whisper that Elijah heard, to the quaking of the earth, our God is alive and well and actively seeking us. There have been so many connective signs the warm healing days.....linking things together, from messages at vacation bible school, to hymns, to connections of scripture and songs and events that just seem to seamlessly flow together harmonically, as if suddenly the orchestra is listening to the one director as they should.
From the loss of jobs to the loss of lives of loved ones, life is a big brew of spiritual chemistry. I know my heart and soul are deeply moved and touched this summer. I can not even formulate into words the depth and breadth of it all, but I would like to share with you some small spiritual nourishment that will feed your soul with the truth and love of God.
The Divine Office Liturgy of the Hours Christian Prayer, isn't just for priests and other religious, or just for Catholics. You want to hear scripture "prayed" ? and fully used throughout the day and night?, then turn to the Divine Office and immerse yourself in the beauty of the Psalms and hymns and responses. The app is available and so well worth it ~ I find so much peace in just listening to the beautiful articulate voices recite and sing the scriptures, and saturate me with God's healing and comforting Word. You can find the Divine Office app for many devices; I'll share a couple here: Divine Office Android, Google Play Store. I purchased mine through Barnes & Noble for Nook, here: Divine Office, Liturgy of the Hours Christian Prayer.
As summer is fleeting, and I cling onto every last warm and fading moment of it, I also cling to this scripture, which since 6th grade, has always been mine to stand strong on and cherish:
May God bless you with a spiritually rich remainder of the summer, and hold you in the palm of his hand.....