St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Saturday, May 18, 2013

All in a day’s work…

It has been the longest last couple weeks EVER!  …Really, what have we NOT done??  There was the finishing up at our co-op and then Confirmation, then First Communion at our parish for which it was my class; in between our break, Mother’s Day and our oldest son’s college graduation.  We return to our parish school of religion tomorrow for our final day of class and May Crowning ceremony.  Then the next weekend is Memorial day weekend and we may be having some friends over to eat and visit after church that Sunday. 

We have been finishing up school also; this means assessments for Mother of Divine Grace and standardized tests for the state.  My third grader is completely finished with everything including testing.  My 8th grader will likely be done at the end of this week, with luck!  Then he will go to a home school formal on Friday evening, with dinner and games and dancing.  It will be a nice way to end the school year.  Next month this young man will turn 14!  More on him in another post….


So..,my oldest son graduated from college, it was wonderful, and he left with his friend’s family and a few other friends in tow to head to Florida for a week+ and have a blast, and a much needed break from the last roller coaster of 4 hard years of work!  I am just in awe of how a 18 yr old home school young man can hold down 2 jobs his first year, commute, participate on campus in a zillion things, and pull off top-notch grades.  By his final year, now at age 22, he held down 3 jobs and continued to produce and grow his art work, do well academically, as well as build his radio audience.  His fans really miss him – they had such a nice sending off for him the last evening he hosted his radio show.  Now his sister has picked up a summer job as DJ for the college station, and has up to 20 hours already, and also works as a writing consultant in the college writing center, plus works yet another job in town.  I will say my kids are workers and productive.  Neither my husband or I could say we were anywhere NEAR as productive and working like they have through college.


But enough about those wonderful kids!!  Yes, mother could go on and on gushing over them with pride :)

While our son has been gone, we snuck his car in for so much needed car work that he had just been too busy to get done.  Surprise! Now it’s done, and we cleaned his car inside and out and got it shaped up for him – as part of his graduation gift. (Well, I did all of it)  This meant a lot of work from momma today.  I think this was THE most productive day in the way of housework, yard work and other things such as going to three stores, getting bills mailed out, preparing papers for PSR (vacation bible school!)…and doing loads of laundry and cleaning.  I planted flowers…finally…and put down my mulch.  Later today we started the fire pit and enjoyed it while tidying up the back yard, putting the finishing touches around the Blessed Mother Statue and St. Francis.  It is looking like summer …after a long strung out spring….


And so friends, I just wanted to catch up with you as it’s been a while since I’ve really been able to write a piece to blog.  Life is busy, life is moving, life is really very full lately. 

Many blessings to you and thanks for stopping by!

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