St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Monday, May 05, 2014

Shepherds of Faith

Yesterday was a beautiful day to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our beloved pastor and shepherd.  Forty years, shepherding the people of God. Who gives forty years of their life to several flocks of people, moving around like St. Paul, dealing with sorrows, criticisms and woes…and doubts, but always finding joy,  looking to Him first for all things, and staying steadfast in trust and belief? 

The highlight of the day, in my opinion, were not only the 500 people that came to celebrate this tremendous mark of  a true man of God, but the other pastors from other denominations that came to say “well done good and faithful servant!” [Matt 25:21]  Because in the end, no matter how you dice it, criticize other faiths, or act superior about your own, the truth is, these men (and women) are all St Peters and St. Pauls, dedicating their lives to the cause of Christ after 2,000 years+.  They aren’t in it for the glory, the money, the fame…..they have answered a call to a vocation, that is so much more than a career.  Psychologists tell us today you will never be happy if you don’t answer the call of your true vocation.  Christians believe it is because HE will always pursue you, HE will always be there, never leaving you, urging you to say YES to it, and seeing you through it, remaining with you, always.

Today, as one of the flock, I am ever grateful for the man who answered his call and said “yes” to God’s will for him.  He has blessed and enriched our lives and God’s plan continues to unfold for all us, placed here in this special unique time, this particular chronological era of Christians.  Make no mistake, this place and time and people are ordained by God, and while we may not understand it’s purpose entirely, we will glory in how God’s almighty design for us is perfect.  [Romans 8:28]

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