St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Saturday, July 25, 2015

End of VBS Week

It's been a while friends.  My month of July has been spent preparing for and orchestrating our church Vacation Bible School.  It ended yesterday; a week filled with the reality of God and his power.  So many beautiful little souls coming to enjoy learning about God through "Everest, Conquering Challenges with the Mighty Power of God."  The children learned SO much, but in a nutshell, they learned that God has the power to Provide, Comfort, Heal, Forgive and Love us forever.  That should help us make it through the sometimes tough journey of life.  We know Our Father awaits us in an eternity filled with peace and comfort and love, above all, love.

I am so proud of the leadership youth that step up and help with the younger students at our VBS.  It is such a great opportunity for them to be formed in leadership skills and work with younger children.  Do you know how many references and requests I get for college letters of recommendations and jobs from our teens, once they realize they actually did a substantial work, working in VBS leadership positions?  It is an excellent opportunity, and I am so joyful at how they genuinely want to serve their church community and give to the young children.  They add an energy and vibrancy to our youth program that otherwise just wouldn't happen. I am grateful to God for them and ask God's blessings on them.

In the same week, my own daughter, in what would be her last leadership role in VBS, was accepted for a job that she had interview for earlier in the week!  What a great way to end her VBS career, (since 7th grade she's been serving in it), and begin her new career and life as an adult in the work force.  God blessed her this week for sure -- and I truly believe the other jobs were a "no", and it made sense that when she gave unselfishly to her church community once again, her efforts were blessed beyond measure.

I will post some photos later when I get a chance.  I'm off to a somewhat busy weekend with VBS follow-up Summer is surely fleeting!  But what a beautiful July week it's been.  I hope it keeps up :)

Many blessings...

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