Last I blogged we were in the midst of a terrible downpour of snow. An incredible snowstorm, it was! Awesome, powerful and beautiful all at the same time. It's hard to believe that was last Thursday into Friday and Saturday, while this Thursday my blog weather pixie reads: 57.2 degrees. Ah, indeed it does. It was a beautiful and hopeful day. Lots of sunshine. On this day, our oldest son enjoyed doing his dissection labs for biology with another homeschooler; they have more ahead, but it will be after Easter. We are also registering for the ACT, we are looking at colleges, we are entering formal driver's ed courses,(we have had our permit for quite some time) and we are looking for part-time employment. Of course, this is not "we", this is just our oldest son, but indeed it feels like "we"! I guess they grow up and I guess mom *really* feels like a guidance counselor and teacher and mom...and well, I accepted this role, didn't I? I will admit, I am very tired right now and this all seems very overwhelming. Lots of prayers and deep felt thoughts and feelings over raising this family and the responsibilities that go with it. It has given me much to think about for Lent. During one Lenten confession, a fine priest gave me these words of wisdom from the Desert Fathers: "Lord,
as you will and
as you know, ..have mercy on me", for those times that I can not make sense of things, or really know or see the road ahead and get weary of steering. Thank you Father Tom. I repeat that mantra several times a day. I am learning more and more to let go and trust God that He is doing the right things with us, with this family and through our vocations.
So, Easter season ahead is very welcome. Very welcome.
God bless you all this beautiful season!
P.S. I just noticed that my Avon calendar in the kitchen says for the month of March: "The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at time."
Thank goodness!