Monet: Cliffs & Sailboats at Pourville
It’s that time of year where I’m itching to be finished with our schooling, but I’m determined to not cut it short for my selfish sake. It wouldn’t be the first year we school into the summer with higher math. And so be it, as it’s important. In the past, math, latin and foreign language (i.e.Spanish in our case) was cause to home school well into the middle to late summer. Sometimes with high school work, it just has to be. If you need to squeeze in 5 sciences in four years, another reason to use those summer months.
When I see my children really learning, and our home schooling is a mastery program, then I would not want it any other way. Sure, I need a break, they need a break….but having taken two up through the ranks, who are grateful now that mom made sure they were “really prepared” for college, I know in the end they will be thankful and it will pay off for them.
I can’t tell you how many times I myself, had to attend summer school because we moved SO MUCH through the years. It’s not a long drawn out day..just a couple hours in the morning and the rest of the day free. So, it’s not like it’s terrible torture :)
So, my oldest one still plugs along with math – his isn’t easy, it’s “going further in algebra”, geometry, both plane and solid, sprinkled with intro to Trigonometry; while both he and his younger brother are signed up for the library program, something I try to enforce each summer.
The library, youth group and vacation bible school will take up a good part of our summer, along with family reunions (two I think!), and weddings. We’ll head to some sights in Ohio, historical, the zoo, and my favorite Amish country….and before we know it, we’ll be preparing for our school year once again.
May God bless you in all your educational pursuits!
Happy Summer!