Patience towards ourselves and others; and bearing well the contradictions of ordinary life." (taken from In Conversation with God, Vol. 5)

Fr. Fernandez continues:
"Patience as a virtue should not be understood to mean passivity in the face of suffering. It is not a matter of socially accepting the blows of outrageous fortune and accepting our fate. Patience belongs to the virtue of fortitude. When we practice patience, we strive to accept pain and trial as something coming from the hand of God. We therefore seek to identify our will with the Will of God. The virtue of patience enables us to endure persecution of every kind. Patience should be the foundation of our hope and joy. [St. Thomas, commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 10, 35]
There are a great many ways a Christian can live this virtue. The first battleground should be in the area of one's own behavior. It is so easy to become disheartened by our defects. We need to exercise patience in our interior struggle based on our unshakeable confidence in God's love for us. If we are to overcome a character defect, it will not happen overnight. Our victory will ultimately be won by the cultivation of humility, of trusting confidence in God, or greater docility. St. Francis de Sales would remind people that we need to have patience with everyone, but first and foremost with ourselves. [St. Francis de Sales, Letters, fragment 139]
Let us always be understanding about the defects of others; so many of our neighbors are sincerely trying to improve. ....If some of our friends habitually give in to their defects, this can have an upsetting effect on us. We may then give way to our impatience and thereby damage our friendships, perhaps irreparably. Charity will help us to be patient with others......when we get flustered, let us not react right away. We should take a deep breath, smile, do whatever has to be done and take our concerns to the Sacred Heart. Jesus looks upon our struggle with great compassion......"
More following-up with Patience in another post.
God bless you!