St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reflecting on economics and the state of things...

Interesting, after I responded to another friend's blog with a comment regarding my heartfelt thoughts regarding the Olympics in China, and those persons evicted from their homes for the sake of an Olympic park, coupled with the Democratic Convention, and the issues we are hearing over and over and know about firsthand (food prices, gas prices, joblessness), I come across this meditation at my Eucharistic Adoration holy hour:

(From In Conversation with God, Twenty-First Week Ordinary Time; Tuesday)

Pg 472, volume 4, section 77.3
"..The Church's Magisterium reminds us that the world of economics ought not to be thought of as independent and autonomous, but as subject to the overriding principles of social justice which correct the defects and shortcomings of the economic order by making allowance for the dignity of the human person [cf Pius XI, Quadragesimo anno, 15 June 1931,37]

..Social justice requires also that workers' living conditions are not left to the mercy of the market forces, as if their labour were merely merchandise to be bought and sold; [John Paul II, Sollicitudo rei socialis, 30 Dec 1987,34]; and one of the principal occupations of the State and of employers must be this: to give work to everyone [John Paul II, Address in Morumbi Stadium, 3 July 1980], as unemployment is one of the greatest evils that can afflict a country and is the cause of many other harmful consequences for individuals, for families and for society itself."

My mind particularly focused on:..
.."making allowance for the dignity of the human person" and that last statement...
..."unemployment is one of the greatest evils that can afflict a country...."

Dignity of the human person, ....I will remind my son of this passage as he studies Advanced Government and Economics this year, and uses Quadragesimo anno with his other texts.

So much to think about and consider this election. So much to pray about deeply and thoughtfully regarding our country and the world.

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