St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Another day, another day, another day……

  Completed my state notification for home education today and have it ready to send out.  I have been cleaning, clearing and taking inventory of what books we need, and so far, other than math work-texts, I needed just one King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, by Roger Lancelyn Green.  We have a wonderful Dover edition of King Arthur but apparently it’s not the one needed for the Literature 8 Book Club this upcoming year.  I’m excited my 8th grader will be “in a classroom” with young people his age and a teacher for discussion of literature pertaining to his medieval history this year. 

   So I’m down to ordering math texts, and a geography map book.  It’s is awesome to have done a program for so long that most of the books are sitting on the shelves waiting for the next student’s use.  This will be our 16th going on 17th year of home school and 11th year of enrollment with Mother of Divine Grace.

   Other than my youngest son still being ill with some horrible protozoa intestinal bug that has basically ruined the rest of his summer, I am trying to focus on being productive while waiting to get him to the specialist. We have seen his family doctor every week since the onset, and continued testing – have given medication and are awaiting yet the results of another lab to see if he is still carrying the bug as he still has the symptoms, or something else, as his poor intestines are still no better and he has cramping, more officially diagnosed recently as proctalgia fugax, (quite literally a pain in the butt!) No matter the latin verbage, it is a 20-30 second grip of cramping pain.  If the infection is still present they will hopefully medicate again, if not, I fear the poor thing has to suffer through another 6 days of waiting for help and further diagnosis and then more testing.  How I have prayed this could just pass and he could be healed, but God apparently has other plans.

    In the meantime, I am dealing with a 21 yr old testy adolescent at home, who has little patience with parents and family life right now.  Not very fun for my summer break :(   There are definitely days I feel God had some sense of humor making me a parent.  I do not feel the least bit a good parent whatsoever and it takes a lot of energy and is extremely stressful…enough that I say to myself, really??!  This is it?? How did this happen…this lack of joy!?

   So ends my update for now.  I hope to report something more cheery in the near future!  One wonderful that did happen was VBS this last week and my youngest ailing son was able to participate, enjoyed it amidst the periodic cramping and misery.  God bless his little body and soul.  May St. Mark and St. Thomas both pray for him!

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