St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Describer of Planned “Black Mass”: Guess How He Died?

No matter what your opinion of Catholicism or the Catholic liturgical services (mass)'s very offensive indeed to have what you hold close and cherish spiritually to be mocked in an evil and audacious manner.

But in the end one thing stands true:  Jesus Saves     and that my friends is the bottom line.  How He can reach down and snatch up and transform the most despicable....He's done it before (Saul), and he will do it again and again and again.....

Describer of Planned “Black Mass”: Guess How He Died?

".... A year after publishing his Black Mass novel, Lá-bas, Huysmans returned to the Catholicism of his childhood. He died as a Benedictine oblate.
And so the truth remains, that even when the people or events seem completely bound up in evil and darkness and far away from God, the light of the Spirit can still break through and shine in the darkness." 

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