St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Blessing of Friends

by your St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Exchange moderator: "Moderator" a.k.a. Denise:

I have heard it said that each friend opens up a world within us, one that didn't exist until they arrived. It is true, friendship is a gift and each friend is a unique addition to our lives. Although a gift, precious indeed, friendship does take work, understanding and communication. It might take the extra effort of overcoming obstacles or set backs perhaps due to some unusual circumstances. I always think about how patient and enduring friendships of old must have been with less avenues of communication; rapid communications such as the internet, or even a simple phone call didn't yet exist, but friendships did. How long someone must have waited to hear from their friend by letter or visit; and how much longing they may have had, and how much intentional effort was put into achieving communication and communion with them; and then, how much rejoicing and comfort when that communication or visit finally materialized. We certainly take a lot for granted these days.

I just said good-bye to some dear friends whom I haven't seen in nearly twenty years and have known since childhood; they came from west to east, across the country to visit. Visiting hasn't been easy due to distance, time and money, along with our busy and growing families, husbands' jobs and other business that seem to monopolize our lives. But, when brought to fruition, visits like these are priceless. The graces received are joyous and abundant; a wonderful blessing.

The blessing of friends; right now, at this moment in time, means that while I'm still rejoicing in gratefulness for friends that have lasted a lifetime, I'm waiting patiently for others and trusting in their friendships. There's the email that hasn't yet been answered, that I anxiously await, the phone call that hasn't yet been returned; along with the book, tapes and Tupperware that are still out there.....the coffee date that's still pending, and the letter that still needs written.

"Angels bestow grace and perform miracles; so do our friends. Angels are Divine messengers; so are friends. God speaks to us through all those intimate chats, conversations and confessions. Probably because, if we'll listen to anyone, it's a pal who loves us unconditionally and is committed to our happiness.....Our friends are the jewels in our crown of contentment. We need to treat them as preciously as we truly hold them in our hearts."

~Sarah Ban Breathnach~


Alice Gunther said...

You are a blessing to everyone you meet! Thank you for being a great online friend for all these years.

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful post about friendship. Your friends are blessed to have you!