Spiritual reflections, family, home educating typical and special needs children ~ Dedicated to: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn. "Rejoice in hope, persevere in tribulations, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12 Certe bonum certanem! Fight the good fight!
St Gabriel Windows

Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher
Friday, March 30, 2007
Applause Please
Home School Mothers: the Beatrice Brigade
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Say What?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Saint of the Day

John was the last of the Greek Fathers. He vigorously opposed the Iconoclast persecution. He is regarded as the first theological encyclopedist, and as the prince of Greek hymnodists.
Show me the icons that you venerate, that I may be able to understand your faith. St. John Damascene
I found this quote from St. John to be very thought provoking. Show me the icons you venerate! What would people see as they enter our homes - look on our walls, view our bookcases and our media collections....? What message of faith would we give them if they read our lives by virtue of those things that we surround ourselves with?
Our Lord's Annunciation
Friday, March 23, 2007
Benefits of Frequent Confession
PART III: The Fruitful Use of the Sacrament
By Father Paul K. Raftery, O.P.
Despite the abundant outpouring of grace taking place in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it will be of little or no profit to us unless we come with the proper disposition of mind and heart. As was pointed out in the last issue of Light and Life, God can only do for us what we allow Him to accomplish. The fruit that can come from Confession will not automatically appear simply by confessing on a frequent basis. For a person confessing frequently, but carelessly, mechanically, Confession will at best be an experience of spiritually running in place. There will be little progress in leaving sins and imperfections behind. It is quite possible that after years of such frequent but thoughtless Confession a person can be still struggling with the same sins as before. Avoiding such spiritual stagnancy is the concern of this final issue in our series on Confession.
(To read the rest of the article follow this link)
Fr. Raftery refers to this book in the article above: Frequent Confession by Benedict Baur.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Patrick was kidnapped from Scotland as a teen and taken to Ireland as a slave. He eventually escaped to the continent, where he studied for the priesthood. After becoming a bishop, Pope Saint Celestine sent him back to Ireland, where he effectively converted the entire country in 33 years.
If I am worthy, I am ready to give up my life, without hesitation and most willingly, for Christ's name. -St. Patrick
Marriage Meme

I have been tagged for the Marriage Meme by my friend Esther. Mahalo!
Marriage is a beautiful sacrament!
1. Where/How did you meet?
We met in the choir at our church (same church we've attended for the last twenty-four years).
2. How long have you known each other?
Twenty years.
3. How long after you met did you start dating?
We started to date a few months after we met.
4. How long did you date before you were engaged?
About nine months.
5. How long was your engagement?
Only about 6 months.
6. How long have you been married?
18 years since last October.
7. What is your anniversary?
October 8th..
8. How many people came to your wedding reception:
We sent out around 280 invitations - so probably just a bit short of that.
9. What kind of cake did you serve?
Both white and chocolate - but all with white icing and rose/pink roses and details.
10. Where was your wedding?
St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church, Minerva, Ohio
The reception was at the:
Great Trail Tee House, Minerva, Oh
11. What did you serve for your meal?
It was a brunch of rigatoni, chicken, beef, and all the extras.
12. How many people were in your bridal party?
8 total: 1 Matron of Honor, 1 bridesmaids, 3 flower girls, 1 ringbearer, 1 groomsmen, 1 best men.
13. Are you still friends with them all?
Yes, we are. Some were family.
14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony?
15. Most special moment of your wedding day?
When my husband's Barbershop Chorus sang at our reception that afternoon.
16. Any funny moments?
Yes, a few of the Barbershop Chorus numbers!
17. Any big disasters?
No, everything was wonderful (as far as I know!)
18. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Marietta, Ohio
19. How long were you gone?
A week.
20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change?
Something I would not have had control over: the fall colors! I would have liked more of them! We had been through a drought that summer into fall and Ohio is usually beautifully colored by the time in October we were married - but alas, it wasn't as colorful that fall of 1988.
21. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Left side
22. What size is your bed?
23. Greatest strength as a couple?
Our Faith - our families and our church community.
24. Greatest challenge as a couple?
My husband's work schedule, and homeschooling.
25. Who literally pays the bills?
I pay them -- as in writing out the checks - but his income cover them as I don't work outside the home.
26. What is your song?
Side by Side!
27. What did you dance your first dance to?
We didn't have dancing that afternoon - just enjoyment of a barbershop chorus singing.
28. Describe your wedding dress: Victorian-style cover with lace and white beads - and some opalescent detail. High neck in back with sleeves tapering into a V at the top of wrist/hand. Veil: light and airy, with pearls, white and faintly baby pink roses. Accessories: white pearl choker necklace and pearl drop earrings.
29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding?
Red roses with pink miniature carnations and baby breath; burgundy ribbons.
30. Are your wedding bands engraved?
Anyone is invited to do this one -- but how about Barbara, Meredith and Alice if they haven't been tagged yet?
Friday, March 16, 2007
Checking In
Our oldest son has done well with his wisdom teeth surgery and is recovering nicely. Thank you for all the prayers!
Please check out a delightful blogspot, Catholic Cartoon Blog. The wonderful cartooning says it all and then some. I've added it to my blogroll.
Keep in touch!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Taking a Break / Being a Light to Others...
I am destined to take a much needed "spring break ". We are so very busy at this time, including our oldest son's Wisdom Teeth surgery upcoming.....plus, we are dealing with computer problems....which I hope to have resolved soon.... I leave you for a time. My prayers and well wishes to all my friends who stop by.....I'll be back at a later date; until then, God bless you the remainder of this beneficial Lenten season.

We need light and clarity, both for ourselves and for those around us. This is our big responsibility. The Christian has been placed by God as a lamp to light up, for others the way towards God. We ought to educate ourselves to face the rush of people who are going to press upon us with a specific and urgent question: 'Well then, what must I do?' [Escriva, Furrow, 221] Children, relatives, colleagues, friends, they all look to our behaviour and we have the responsibility of leading them to God. And so that the blind person's guide is not himself also blind [Matt15:14], it is not enough to have second-hand knowledge or mere hearsay. To lead our friends and relatives to God, a vague and superficial knowledge of the route is not enough; we need to have walked it ourselves........."
Monday, March 05, 2007
Mondays with Mary
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for Us!

Image courtesy of: On Line Catholic Store
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Book / Movie Meme

My friend Esther tagged me for this one. I in turn, have several friends that love a good book and are movie buffs....you'll find them below.
Underline or put an asterisk next to all those books whose movies you have seen. Bold or highlight the ones you've read in a different color.
1. Heidi (Johanna Spyri) *
2. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)*
3 To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee) *
4. Gone With The Wind (Margaret Mitchell) *
5. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Tolkien) *
6. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien)*
7. The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (Tolkien)
8. Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery) *
9. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) *
10. Anne of Avonlea (L.M. Montgomery) *
11.The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)
12. Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) *
13 Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)*
14. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (C. S. Lewis) *
15. Chariots of Fire (Clarence E. MacArtney)*
16. 1984 (Orwell)
17. The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas) *
18. The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck) *
19. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)*
20. War and Peace (Tolsoy)
21. Quo Vadis (Sienkiewicz)
22. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Victor Hugo) *
23. The Robe (Douglas) *
24. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith)
25. The Story of A Soul (St. Therese) Therese (Movie)
I tag: Lynn: Life is Beauty, Barbara: Praying for Grace, Cay's: Cajun Cottage, Meredith's: Sweetness & Light, and Alice: Cottage Blessings.