St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Autoimmune Disorder

If you haven't read about or have been following my illness and treatment, you can look back here for some more information:  Hope & A Beautiful Day 

It has now been 9 weeks since the medicines were prescribed to tackle my chronic liver inflammation, autoimmune in origin.   My liver enzymes have been going done, responding to the steroids and immuno-suppressant.  As of the 8 week interval of blood work, one liver enzyme that was originally in the 3000s is just closing in on the normal range, at 52 -- high end of that level is 49, so it's very close.  Overall, the side effects are not too bad, fairly manageable, but I do need to watch my sodium like crazy, caffeine and sugar, which just make me super hyper or unable to sleep;  I have only averaged about 4-5 hours of sleep per night because the steroid just prevents it somehow.  I nap.   My face is slightly swollen, but that too varies with sodium, I just really need to watch it vigilantly. 

I do exhaust much more easily, but at the same time, I've had energy like never's been missing for several years now, that's for sure.  

The weather has still been quite lovely throughout these weeks, making it easy to get to holiday gatherings and appointments, and all the blood work I've had to have done.  

I am hoping to hear from my doctor soon about lowering the steroid dose over the weeks when the levels are looking good.  Maybe after Christmas?  

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