Our Hearts were made for You, O Lord
Feast of St. Augustine
If physical things please you, then praise God for them, but turn back your love to Him who created them, lest in the things that please you, you displease Him. If souls please you, love them in God; for in themselves they are changeable, but in Him they are firmly established. Without Him they pass away and perish. In Him, then, let them be loved, and carry along with you to Him as many souls as you can, and say to them, "Let us love Him, let us love Him; He made the world and is not far from it. He did not make all things and then leave them, but they are of Him and in Him. See, there He is wherever truth is loved. He is within the very heart, yet the heart has strayed from Him. Return to your heart, O you transgressors, and hold fast to Him who made you. Stand with Him and you will stand fast. Rest in Him and you shall be at rest." Saint Augustine, from The Confessions
"Trust the past to the Mercy of God, the present to His Love, and the future to His Providence.""Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you."Saint Augustine of Hippo, Bishop, Writer, Doctor
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