In therapy our son Mark learned this sequence of stimulating his “brain buttons” a type of cognitive processing awakening before undergoing anything that was going to take much thought on his behalf.
I share this procedure here:
Brain Gym
Mark always says, “I start b taking a few sips of water”…..true!…then he uses both hands to pinch or tap lightly his upper body and lower abdomen:

A quick review of the FOUR basic steps is here:
Switch On Your Brain . . . in 4 simple steps . . .W - B - C - C!
= Water, Brain Buttons, Cross Pattern and Cook's Hookups
1. Water hydrates the body and facilitates conduction of the electrical impulses throughout the body and brain. Without enough water, you'll feel short-circuited. This in itself triggers a stress response and makes you more susceptible to other stresses in your life!
Drink water to get "instant stress release" – receptors in your mouth inform the brain of the presence of pure water so it can instantly correct the body stress created by dehydration.
Sipping throughout the day helps to keep your stress levels lower. Water also assists lymphatic function, helping to remove waste and toxins from your body. It allows 1,000-10,000 times more oxygen to bind to the blood, reducing stress on your heart and lungs. Drink lots of water for an instant brain boost. It raises energy and improves your concentration, mental and physical coordination, and academic skills.
If you have no medical limitations, doctors suggest one 250ml glass per day for every 10 kilos of body weight, and more if you are physically active or under extra stress. That's 7 glasses for a 70kg person! Interestingly, caffeine and alcohol cause fluid loss. You will need an extra glass of water for each cup of coffee you drink and two extra for each alcoholic drink. Raise your glass to your health with nature's finest!
2. Brain Buttons are located between the collar bone and the first rib, up against your breastbone.
To Switch On: Placing one hand over your navel, with the other stimulate the points with firm rotary pressure for 15 to 30 seconds each or until any tenderness is gone. Rubbing then will boost your natural energies and reset your electro-magnetic body. For many natural therapists the K-27's are related to conditions such as low energy ad fatigue
Stimulate them as often as necessary. When they are sensitive, they need attention. This technique can be used on a daily basis and randomly throughout the day to revive a bored or sluggish body. Stimulate before arising in the morning and start the day smoothly.
3. Cross Crawl is excellent exercise for activating full mind-body function before learning and physical activities. By touching the right hand (or elbow) to the left knee and then the left hand (or elbow) to the right knee, you will activate large areas of both brain hemispheres. Repeat 7 to 10 times on each side.
Do the Cross Crawl on a regular basis to stimulate more nerve networks, potentially improving communication between the two hemispheres. Each brain hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. So by intentionally moving an opposite arm and leg across the midfield, we fire off both brain hemispheres at the same time. This cross lateral movement stimulates the whole brain – the vestibular (balance) system, the reticular activating system (the brain's wake-up call!), the cerebellum (automatic movement), the basal ganglion (intentional movement), the limbic system (emotional balance), and the frontal lobes (reasoning).
Slow cross lateral movement also increases dopamine levels in the brain (enhancing our ability to see patterns and to learn faster).
4. Cook's Hookups use a complex crossover action to assist the brain in much the same way as the Cross Crawl. This exercise can be performed while standing, sitting, or lying down. Hookups are especially helpful if you do them right after you wake up in the morning and whenever you face a stressful situation.
First cross one ankle over the other.
Then stretch your arms out in front of you, with the backs of your hands together and your thumbs pointing down. Lift one hand over the other (with your palms facing each other) and interlock your fingers. Roll your locked hands straight down and in toward your body, so that they eventually rest on your chest with elbows pointed down.
Keep the tip of your tongue touching the centre of the roof of your mouth as you inhale, rest it against your bottom teeth as you exhale. Breathe easily. Hold the position for about a minute.
Next, uncross your arms and legs, plant your feet firmly about shoulders� width apart and place your hands together with only the tips of your fingers and thumbs touching. You can rest your hands in your lap or on your belly for comfort. Maintain the tongue positions and breathing as above. Hold for about a minute
One last thing Mark's therapist had him do at the end was to press his fingers of both hands together so the tips met, and tap each one of them - like starting with the thumbs: tap tap tap tap, then move to the first fingers...taptaptaptap...and continue this until all fingers have been tapped together systemically.