Since publishing this blog I have been asked quite a variety of questions by readers, some of which include, would I post more about our family and homeschooling and also what am I currently reading?... While the intent of this blog was to primarily focus on aspects of my Catholic faith and home education, I admit I originally ventured into blogging as my eutrapelia (the virtue of fun, leisure holy or "good play"). I really appreciate that anyone bothers to read me at all!!
So, I shall take this blog moment to share at least my current reading with you, and perhaps begin to post more of my own poetry-prose writing that I did much of back in the 80s.
So, I shall take this blog moment to share at least my current reading with you, and perhaps begin to post more of my own poetry-prose writing that I did much of back in the 80s.
While I have always enjoyed having my nose in several books at once, it was in the Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola that I read the following: "A wise woman - an admired mother and wife - when asked how, with her weak physical health and many demands upon her time, she managed to read so much said, 'Besides my Bible, I always keep three books going that are just for me - a stiff book, a moderately easy book, and a novel, and I always take up the one I feel fit for.'"
(It is no secret I love Charlotte Mason and the excellence she brought to educating children and elevating them to a different level of respect and acceptability within society, as well as her God-centered vision of education.)
Karen Andreola goes on to add: "That is the secret: always have something "going" to grow by. A stiff book is a challenging one. It may be one of Christian doctrine or a collection of meaty sermons."
For me, this would be the three Fulton Sheen books I've been working through: Seven Words of Jesus and Mary, The Cross and the Beatitudes, both of which I've already completed, and now I'm just finishing: Characters of the Passion. I recommend them all.(originally posted this book reading on 3/22/06).
More recently I have been involved in reading Thrive by Dan Buettner, Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood, and the Out of Sync Child has Fun Carol Stock-Kranowitz; all this along with my bible readings of the gospels of Matthew and Luke, which my 11 yr old son and I are using for his studies this year.
Karen says further ".......An easy book may be biographical. It lets us into the life of another struggling person, a person with integrity, determination, and the ability to surrender to God......" I find this in continued reading and studying of the blesseds and saints, both in separate volumes, and even small selections such as those found in the Magnificat prayer companion.
And then, a novel; I have just begun Gene Stratton-Porter's, The Keeper of the Bees along with a few literary friends for discussion. (again, this was read in March of 2006). It was a good - old - novel. More recently I haven't read any great novels, but would love some suggestions -- I love science fiction such as 2001 Space Odyssey type books.

I'd love to hear what you are reading too ~ please contact me anytime and visit again soon. God bless!
"....whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things...." Phil 4:8
You are good - reading what is good and holy. I have been reading a book called Unplanned, by Abby Johnson, and one called Inconceivable by the Savage family.
Unplanned was very good, though frightening and dismaying. Planned Parenthood is a truly misogynistic organization. You do hear echos of "the Final Solution" in Abbey's description of policy and procedure. Rather than being awesome, it is a "should read", but it was good, too. Her conversion story is really uplifting.
The Inconceivable book by the Savages was troubling. They used IVF to get pregnant, which is how they ended up with another couple's baby. They think they are truly pro-life Catholics, and yet they are using a procedure that takes it all out of God's hands, and then there are the embryo's to deal with. Through the whole book they are all "How did this happen to us?" and I was all "Well, let me tell you how this happened!"
The last book I am now finishing is called Two Kisses for Maddy. It is by a blogger named Matt Logelin. I have followed his blog from the beginning, as he is a friend of a friend. His wife had a baby, and died 27 hours later. The books is all about how he and his wife met and fell in love, and how he decided to survive and be the awesome dad he is. Great book!
Wow, I had't heard of that Inconceivable book - what a story -- I do know what you mean re: IVF - but so many are so well meaning but so ignorant of following God's plan for conception (or perhaps he has adoption in mind for a couple...)...I've heard of the Maddy book - sounds very good! thanks for sharing!
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