St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis to be eliminated??

As the mother of a high functioning autistic son, I am concerned about this new "redefining" of autism, and the possible elimination of the diagnosis of Aspergers.  Although my child was diagnosed: Autism, he still is very much like an Aspergers child and could have easily been diagnosed as such. As if all this isn't hard enough on families with special children that fall on the spectrum, and need treatments.  Our neurologist said that 20 yrs ago, our son would have not made it on the spectrum, but would have definitely needed helps, but would likely not have a diagnosis that insurance would pay for.  

I pray that these things weighing heavily on my heart both during this current political administration and with the medical field, would be resolved with God's grace and suitable for all who need help.

Redefining Autism - ABC News


Heidi said...

Oh that is scary! As if the evaluation process isn't hard enough already on families. To have a child who so clearly needs help and not be able to get it would be heart breaking.

My son is having his final meeting for diagnosis on Monday and there has been already a lot of discussion between HFA and Aspergers. What happens in the future to the kids who already have that label if they eliminate it?

Scary times for sure.

Home School Mom: Denise said...

I know the neurologists believe in Aspergers as an autism spectrum disorder so I'm assuming it will be delegated into "autism", but testing will show high functioning qualities. My son was diagnosed as HF, and the neurologist did mention she felt he was better categorized as such and that insurances shouldn't have a problem with that, like they do with Aspergers at this time. Still HF and Aspergers are very akin, twins.

Best wishes with your final meeting,