I took our 8 year old to his dentist appointment today, and the trip took longer than the appointment! I had just nestled myself into the waiting room chair and picked up a Ladies' Home Journal, (I rarely read mainstream magazines), and I was absolutely indulged in an article on caring for and applying make-up to "older skin"...why!.. all the tips and suggestions were wonderful; pink and beige hues for lids, warm eye-liner pencil (not black), only along the top lid...gray or brownish hues in the crease to deflate any puffiness...did you know that the older woman's eyelids retain fluid more and take longer to look less puffy in the morning? I was learning a lot when suddenly "Michael's Mom!"...rang out in the distance. He was all done and ready to go. I would never learn about the beauty of the mature....but I know "concealer" is a big plus :-)

I'm thinking: ice cream right now...while I'm still thinking: concealer, and dreaming about my dream make-up.