St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Friday, March 09, 2012

Just one of my peeves…you know :)

I just don’t know if I can get excited about this (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins).  Yea, I know, I’m a real downer with these things :)..but bear with me, remember I’m a conservative Christian kook …I’m not too relaxed on many issues or fads that the general public hold up as the latest and greatest….in fact, that always seems to make me suspect. I’m very particular with my children in regard to literature and movies; I always have been and I imagine that isn’t likely to change any too soon…especially when I have an ultra sensitive – is prone to nightmares by the most unlikely events child in my home.  But, even before him, I began child rearing with a commitment to quality control in the department of books and T.V./movies. 

I am not a preacher  -- good thing for my readers!…but I do have an opinion and I do share it with conviction on occasion, and I may meet with flack, no doubt  but most of my thoughts are well articulated, (and some fears as to why I will not let my children read or view this new release) in this interesting and very thorough perspective on The Hunger Games as reviewed by Focus on the Family.  Whenever I want to know the “real truth” about something out there …I turn to Focus on the Family because they give “details”, details I need to know in order to know if I can say yea, or nay.  The Hunger Games had enough nay in them for me to say “no” this time around. 

While my children are young and very impressionable I feel it’s my job to filter for them – after all, the public at large, the authors, and the movie industry isn’t doing it, I don’t expect them to, they aren’t raising my children, nor do I prefer them to.   And yes, I was the ogre mom that said no Harry Potter, no Twilight and early on, even no Pokemon (although I lost on that last one with one child who seemed to be able to have access to it through cousins and well meaning friends…) ..later I banned it. 

The Hunger Games

as reviewed by Focus on the Family

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