St Gabriel Windows

St Gabriel Windows
Photocopy c. 2013 Jamie Laubacher

Friday, May 11, 2012

School Book Shelves…

…oh, the shelves, the shelves, the shelves…..sigh

With seventeen years of homeschool in our home, you know we have a lot of books.  When you school from kindergarten through twelfth grade, you definitely have books per grade levels lining your bookcases.  My goal this summer is to re-organize those shelves.  I have recently sold off up to $400 worth the used books and other educational materials.  Mother of Divine Grace resources have a great re-sell value and go quickly.  There are a couple great swap groups that have many Modg items.

Modg Materials Swap


Sometimes, I look at these shelves and I think to myself: how did this happen? Do all homeschooling families have these many books?  In part, the answer is yes.,,,,and maybe sometimes no. But more so it’s yes. The program we use is “booky”…it is strongly based on accomplishing good reading foundational skills in K through 3rd, and building on a “love of reading” by certain dynamics that are hit upon in those grades.  Always making reading a joy, reading to the children in cozy and comfortable ways; reading good literature, not “twaddle” as Charlotte Mason is known to have emphasized. When reading is worked on with joy and patience, and children are raised on good literature it fosters their love of reading.  We invested in many of the good childhood literature books because it wasn’t always convenient to head to the library nor did our small library always have what we were looking for.  Now, we go to the library more often and use inter-library loans, but there are still some books needed to be kept around for lengthy use with certain subjects like history.  Those are the books still on my shelves for use with the next child moving up the grade level. 

And so I anticipate my summer project, adjusting the shelves to make better use of space, and easily locate grades 3 through 12th.  This year I’ll be teaching 3rd and 8th.  I love Modg third grade and 8th grade is a big turning point in history and religion.  It will be an interesting year ahead.


True Daughter of Mary said...

I am horrible about those books - hoarding them like crazy! Amy has some of mine now, but I have to go down and make sure I have everything lined up for K, 1 and 2... Luke will be doing a combo of 1 and 2 next year. 1 reading and 2 Math. So, all of my hoarding will hopefully pay off. I used to go get all the books on the reading list from the library - racking up fees when I forgot to return them, so I just bought them ALL - so we'd have them. Silly, but helpful. Whatever we don't have, I just download to the nearest kindle! Awesome!

Home School Mom: Denise said...

Yes my NOOK saved my behind a couple times last year when Michael needed yet another history literature book - that is so cool to be able to just download in a pinch. There is a cool FREE site that has a lot of books, -- it has saved me and I really like it! Found some Peter Rabbit books I needed there.

Someday I will have more organized shelves :)